Sunday 8 January 2012

Plaster experiments

One of the smaller pieces of plaster
Detail of plaster
Through this project I have become really interested in the folds and ruffles in fabrics, and also the way that they can be manipulated. I wanted to find a way for me to show the layers and folds of the fabric in my own way, one that I could think of was to lay out the fabric the way that I liked the look of it, then mix up some plaster, and completely cover the fabric. It was really weird working with the plaster because when it started to dry it would actually warm up from some kind of chemical reaction. I hoped that once the plaster had dried, and I had removed the fabric from it, that you could clearly see the folds and creases in the fabric, thankfully, it worked! Although some of the lighter parts of the plaster cracked off, I was really happy with the result. I made three of these pieces and the one seen above is the smallest but it is the one that Im happiest with and decided to show.

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